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Winter activities at Finsehytta

Finse is covered by snow, and and excellent place for those who loves winter. Cross country skiing, kiting, snowshoeing, drinking something warm (or cold) in the sun. Playing board games with the family, or relax with a fantastic view in front of you. Finse has something for all age groups. A perfect place for a familiy holiday.

Publisert: 14. mars 2024


With snow that last to the end of may, Finse is a perfect place to go cross country skiing. From Finsehytta, you can follow marked trails south onto the vast Hardangervidda, or head north through the varied landscape of Skarvheimen. The cabin is also a point on the MASSIV route. For an unforgettable mountain experience, check out the DNT's organized tours that include a visit to Finsehytta.

From Finsehytta, a world of fantastic day trips and impressive mountain peaks opens up. Some popular destinations include Klemsbu, Hardangerjøkulen, and Lille Finsenut. With a bit of luck, you might glimpse the Horrungane in Jotunheimen and Gaustatoppen. Feel free to contact us at the reception for more hiking tips, whether for cross-country skiing, ski touring, or other activities. Recomended day drips

Person som renner nedover en bakke på ski

Kiting and sailing with skis

 Kiting is an exciting sport where you use a kite to propel yourself forward. At Finse, kiting is particularly popular thanks to the unique landscape and stable wind conditions. When the wind howls and many seek shelter, Finsevann transforms into a perfect playground for those who want to glide freely over the ice. Almost every weekend, Skikite organizes courses in both kiting and snow sailing, allowing you to learn or improve your skills under optimal conditions. Read more

Winter and avalanche courses

Do you want to learn more about expedition life, master safe travel in steep terrain, or go on a snow cave tour? Join one of Fjellboms’ courses this winter and experience the magic of nature up close. The main focus is always on comfort, camaraderie, and the joy of hiking, so you can get the most out of your winter adventure. Read more

Sledding hills

We offer both sleds and sliding mats for rent, perfect for winter fun! Behind the cabin, you'll find a variety of great sledding hills. Whether you're young, old, or a playful parent, we have the perfect hill for you.

En snowboarder i snøen


If you prefer not to ski, we recommend a snowshoe hike. Snowshoes can be rented for 300 NOK per day. If you dream of a multi-day adventure in the winter mountains, you can rent a pulk from us. Feel free to contact us via email for more information about available pulks. Send us an email

En mann på ski på snøen

The firepit area

After a long day of skiing, there's nothing quite like gathering around a campfire with a breathtaking view of the majestic Hardangerjøkulen. It's the perfect way to unwind, share stories, and enjoy the serene beauty of nature.

en gruppe mennesker som sitter på et snødekt fjell

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