Recommended tours
Are you dreaming of new mountain areas and hidden hiking gems? Are you longing for a ski touring adventure, the perfect family trip or a quiet pond deep in the enchanted forest? Find inspiration for your next hiking adventure here!
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Travel by public transport for the Easter holidays
Our best Easter tips
Are you dreaming of Easter in the mountains? DNT has 580 cabins and 4300 kilometers of marked winter routes that are ready to receive you. Here you will find the nicest Easter trips, the best Easter cabins and the best activity tips.

SignaTUR - the best long trips from DNT
DNT Signatur is some of Norway's finest trips, They last for at least five days and up to three weeks, and go through beautiful nature and cultural landscapes. With SignaTurene, DNT makes it even easier for more people to experience the most beautiful mountain areas and the best hiking routes in Norway.

Historical hiking routes
Historical hiking routes are a collaboration between DNT and the Directorate for Cultural Heritage, which makes the old traffic route better known and more used. The selected routes give you great outdoor experiences in combination with unique cultural heritage.

Discover new hiking destinations with CheckUT!
Register your trips in our digital tour mailbox! Collect mountain peaks, cabins and other hiking destinations all over the country with SjekkUT in the UT app.

See also